Intelligent Technology – 4 part series

The shift from processing “information” to gathering “intelligence” in your business is critical to long term success.  There is a big difference. Intelligent Technology is a competitive asset for your business. Below are the links to our four part series that walks through what Intelligent Technology can mean for your business. Intelligent Technology is shifting how […]

Intelligent Technology Transformation – In Real Life

Does your business need an Intelligent Technology transformation?  Not just a new coat of paint, but a serious remodeling.  Like that starter house you bought, and now you have two children: TIME TO DO SOMETHING. A technology transformation is often needed to reset the status quo.  Band-aids and increment change will not work. A prospect […]

Intelligent Technology – Increasing Productivity (Part 4 of 4)

Doing more with less, also known as increasing productivity.  This important concept is how employees enjoy a higher standard of living due to increased wages, and businesses increase profits.  The right technology services supporting your business strategy will increase your productivity over time. We have already covered the concept of measuring productivity in your business […]

Intelligent Technology – Consistent Results (Part 3 of 4)

Would you rather have consistent results or random flashes of greatness?  Do you want a business that improves over time and is managed with the least amount of effort?  It all starts with consistent results.  Hitting goals (accuracy) without have a repeatable business process (consistency) is an exercise in frustration! Consistent results provide a business […]

Introduction to Intelligent Technology (Part 1 of 4)

The shift from processing “information” to gathering “intelligence” in your business is critical to long term success.  There is a big difference.  Intelligent Technology is a competitive asset for your business.  Information technology started in the 60’s as a way to process batch jobs on mainframes.  If after checking out the link above you agree this […]

Productivity metrics that increase profit in your business!

increase profit

How to increase profit of your company or department is usually the #1 Goal of Business Owners and managers.  The best way to do this is to focus on increasing productivity.  Surprisingly, leaders rarely measure the right things to understand the productivity of their business. This is because the usual key financial metrics that measure […]

Alignment of Revenue and Technology Expense

Technology and Business Alignment are key to building an organization that can handle both the ups and downs that will occur in the economy. When everything is going well it is much easier to overlook the alignment between your revenue and the technology that supports it. This leads to a less agile overall business and […]

Avoid making fatal mistakes

There will always be mistakes, oversights, and course adjustments made in any business.  It’s human nature and how we learn.  The goal of leadership should be to keep any one of those mistakes from being fatal.  Here are three mistakes that can quickly lead to long term issues for your business. You build up capacity […]

Utilization based technology services and support

Would you ever pre-pay for your electricity or water service years in advance, knowing that if you used LESS you would pay MORE and if you used MORE it would not even be available? Of course you wouldn’t!  This is exactly how many companies are acquiring their technology services and support today, and that needs […]