Master your next Powerpoint presentation

Many suffer from glossophobia, the fear of public speaking. Reasons vary, from traumatic childhood experiences to the inability to imagine your co-workers in their underwear. Enter Microsoft PowerPoint. This program helps visually depict a presentation, whether it be for a class project or a boardroom meeting, or to convince parents to buy your first car. […]

Schedule meetings with Microsoft FindTime

While an impressive arsenal of weapons can help you win a battle, you need diligence, perseverance and sacrifice to win the war. But when that war is waged in the arena of calendar management, you’re dealing with a whole other monster. When scheduling meetings, uncontrollable factors like varying schedules and department-specific time constraints mean that […]

Snow Days?

Did Technology Kill the “Snow Day”? If you are from the north please substitute “blizzard” for every time I say “snow” and we will all be on the same page.  Here in Nashville, TN, snow is considered the equivalent of kryptonite for cars and roadways (and technology). It’s funny how everyone clamors to be able […]