What you need to know about Google Posts

As a small- and medium-sized business, you can’t miss out on this opportunity to leverage Google’s search results. With Google Posts, businesses can create content highly ranked in Google search results for their names, even without having a website. Here’s how this works. What they can do Google Posts allow users to communicate directly in […]

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles…how do you run your technology?

Do you run your technology like a plane, train, or automobile?  All three will get you from point A to point B but in different ways.  We can also apply this concept to how you run your technology.  Let’s assume you have decided where you want to go, now let’s review how we are going […]

Technology is Making Us Busy Not Productive

Go ahead and reread the headline again; it’s correct.  We have reached the limit of technology, making us more productive, and entered the era of “being busy.”  We are losing the fundamental ability to prioritize our work time and now stay busy, responding to emails, texts, and other REACTIVE tasks.  So what is technology’s role […]

Do you know what Google Posts are?

Businesses in the 21st century rely on a strong digital presence to keep up with the competition. There’s a new tool that helps with just that: Google Posts. Read on to learn its potentially game-changing capabilities and when SMBs can expect to get a piece of the action. What they can do Google Posts basically […]

Improve searches with these Google tricks

Much like capturing someone’s heart, mastering the art of fully utilizing Google Search takes time, dedication and the willingness to learn new things. It’s an undeniable fact that we use Google Search almost on a daily basis, yet the only expertise we demonstrate is inputting a couple of terms and then relying on the search […]