Now is the time to move to VoIP

[vimeo 415230686 w=384 h=339] The work-from-home shift has expedited the need for businesses to evaluate their technology roadmaps and make adjustments to their technology stack.  One area that should be considered improving is the way to handle voice across a phone system.  Many offices are still using an in-office PBX which lacks the phone capabilities […]

Don’t Let the Sunk Cost Fallacy Drive your Technology Decisions

[vimeo 410306204 w=384 h=339] Business owners are constantly bombarded with information about fiscal responsibility and how to avoid incurring more expenses than necessary.  But sometimes the fear over “losing or spending money” leads many to stick with a decision because they already purchased a product or service, not because it’s the right choice.  This is […]

Playing the long game in business

[vimeo 314332980 w=384 h=339] There is a time limit in sporting events is because there has to be a loser!  Don’t put a time limit on your business relationships, play the long game. Three advantages of playing the long game with your business relationships: Allows for investments in improving the overall relationship…this can often take […]

Technology is NOT always the answer!

[vimeo 313262571 w=384 h=339] Technology is NOT always the answer to your business needs or issues.  In the video we discuss four common areas where technology is not the answer. Wrong people Lack of Training Product or Service that is on the decline Broken Processes  

110% client retention exists…here’s how!

Client retention is an important metric for any business, especially those with a high customer acquisition cost (CAC).  The old saying it’s always easier to keep a client you have than to go and find a new one is true!  What if you could plan on keeping all your (profitable) Clients and getting them to […]